Humanity’s Heartbreak: Will we let our hearts break open?

Julie Daley
4 min readOct 28, 2018

I am just one woman learning how to be human, offering something imperfect with you. I do know of heartbreak, as I imagine you do, too.

Perhaps we can come together in and through our heartbreak.


I’ve been sitting here for an hour, wanting to write, wanting to find words for what I’m feeling. It’s a few more than twenty-four hours after the shooting in Pittsburg that killed eleven older Jewish people. My mind doesn’t quite know what to write, but my heart needs to.

Over the past few days, I’ve become so aware of how much I have tried in my life to avoid being here, fully here, on Earth, alive and awake to the pain involved in being a human being. My life, like your’s I imagine, has been filled with many joyous, lovely, beautiful moments and relationships. And, like your life, I imagine, also filled with some really hard things. The more I become aware of the true nature of being here as a human being, the more I am aware of how it takes a conscious choice to be here, to open, to be vulnerable, and to feel all of what life brings.

I don’t know why we come here for sure, but I sense in my own life it is to feel, to be touched, to be transformed through the living of one’s life — which all indeed point to loving and being loved. To do so, means being vulnerable, to be open…



Julie Daley

Leadership Coach & Mentor; Educator, Speaker. I guide people back to their own inner source and an unshakable self-trust.